Remove unwanted
- Images
- Pages
- Posts
- Audio
- Video
- Plugins
- Post Revisions
Check the design
- simple layout (aione section -> aione wrapper -> text/image)
- column-layout (aione section -> aione row -> aione column (as many as you want) -> aione wrapper -> text/image)
- Make sure the standard rules are followed while designing the webpage like giving mb-24 to columns.
- Make sure there is no horizontal scroll on the page
- Disable Page Padding on Home Page (from Page Settings)
Check URLs/slugs for the Page
- Avoid using slugs like ‘home-2’ for the pages.
Check the speed of the website
- If it takes more time then optimize the images
Check menu navigation
- There should be no empty page.
- Check broken links
- Use the primary menu only in the header and create a separate menu for the footer
- Optimize pictures with alt text
- Ensure audio & video are functioning properly (if any)
Verify Contact Address including
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Address
- Social media accounts
Social Media Links
- Check if all the links are added
- All the images on the website should relate the business
- The minimum font size of the heading should be 18 px
- The minimum font size of the paragraph should be 16 px
- Text color should be as per the contrast ratio
- Check call-to-action buttons
- Check SSL certificates
- Check Footer Links
- Ensure no dummy content is updated
- Check typing errors – Proofread the content
- Add Mailto: links to all the emails
- Start a sentence with the capital letters
- An unpublished page on the website to keep all the sources of the images.
- Optimize the website with a suitable title, tagline, and description for enhanced SEO performance.
- Highlight the name, location, services of the business for enhanced SEO performance.
- Select Images from Free Sources (e.g Pixabay)
- Reduce the size of images using